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Training offer: AI meets Innovation - A Hands-On AI Workshop

Embark on a transformative learning journey in an interactive workshop, where the capabilities of AI are not just a promise but a proven game-changer.

What it is about:

Embark on a transformative learning journey in an interactive workshop, where the capabilities of AI are not just a promise but a proven game-changer. Picture a realm where AI not only enhances productivity but catapults it to new heights, and ideas are meticulously crafted for success. Join us to explore the seamless collaboration between human and AI capabilities and witness the fascinating results that emerge when innovation is guided by authentic teamwork.

Immerse and active workshop experience where participants engage with specific tasks to deploy various AI tools in a hands-on environment centered around ChatGPT, and witness how the insights gained transcend to the broader realm of Generative AI. The training is designed as a collaborative learning journey where participants explore diverse application areas and empower themselves to effectively navigate the limitations of ChatGPT. In this interactive workshop AI and innovation converge, offering participants practical skills and insights to actively shape the future of their work.


Benefits for participants:

The participants will develop a profound understanding of

- The fundamental structure of current artificial intelligences, their distinct technological characteristics, and the broad application areas for various types of artificial intelligence—essential knowledge for anyone navigating the evolving landscape of modern work.

- The intricate boundaries and challenges of artificial intelligence, both in practical application and theoretical frameworks, and the profound implications these hold for daily professional life and the broader societal context.

- A nuanced ability to recognize opportunities and constraints, allowing participants to apply the knowledge to their specific use cases.

- A structured framework designed to empower you in scrutinizing and reflecting on AI. This includes exploring its vast possibilities for strategic experimentation relevant to participants’ professional role.

Interested in taking part? Write us just below!

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Training offer: AI meets Innovation - A Hands-On AI Workshop

Dr. Nicolai Hanner

Product and service MVPs, rapid prototyping, agile development

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